Marie-France Veyrat

P.H Pau Frígola
Urbetrònica I, 1999, audiovisual installation, metal structure, electronic and computer parts, stainless steel, 1 monitor, PC, software, 115x50x50cm.

Urbetrònica I exhibited at the Salvador Vilaseca Museum in Reus for four months together with some works from the BEEP collection of Electronic Art, is made up of an amalgam of numerous computer boards and currently obsolete parts of machines and electronic devices.
Screens intentionally throw imperfect images to put into crisis the apparent excellence of the machines and computerized systems we enjoy today.
This work draws on the aesthetics of glitch art that emerged in the second half of the 20th century, a digital derivation of brutalism and its concept, it is the error that plays such a fundamental role in the context of new technologies.
In short, works where digital defects become unique and singular works of art.

Dates : 11/24/2017 - 04/01/2018
Place : Salvador Vilaseca Museum - Raval de Santa Anna, 59 - Reus
Curator : Roberta Bosco and Stefano Caldana
1st Inauguration : November 23
2nd Opening : December 16
The exhibition Aproximacions creatives of the BEEP Collection of Electronic Art, held on the occasion of the Capital of Catalan Culture Reus 2017, is the first presentation of the most important private collection of electronic and digital art in Europe, practically in its entirety.
Created by Andreu Rodríguez, president of the Ticnova de Reus business group, it is made up of fifty works that reflect the main trends in electronic and digital art: from interactive art to sound art, through robotics and bio-art.
In a world full of terminals and screens, electronic art has subverted the static relationship between work and viewer, inviting the public to approach the pieces and interact with them.
From the pioneering investigations of Evru, Waldo Balart and Luis Lugán to the works of some of the most outstanding contemporary artists internationally such as Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Daniel Canogar, Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau and Charles Sandinson, the BEEP Collection reflects the transformations of our society due to the introduction of technology in all areas of daily life.
Aproximacions creatives of the BEEP Electronic Art Collection highlights the emancipatory power of interactive art and aims to bring the public closer to the works in an empathic and didactic way at the same time.
For this reason, the exhibition is structured in three fundamental routes:
- "Interactive approaches" works that are not complete without the presence of the spectator who becomes a fundamental part of the creative process.
- “Reactive approaches” works whose formal and plastic result strictly depends on external stimuli, whether mechanical or in the form of data from the closest space such as light and sound conditions or data collected from the network.
- "Contemplative approaches" more static works, works such as lithographs, canvases, sculptures or documents, closely linked to the electronic and digital scene.
The exhibition had a second opening in mid-December, when some works returned from the Biennial of the Moving Image in Frankfurt. They were incorporated and one of them occupied the whole exhibition hall at the Reus Museum (Plaça de la Llibertat, 13). At the time it was the most recent acquisition of the BEEP Collection.
The BEEP Collection of Electronic Art -
The BEEP Collection of Electronic Art is the result of the artistic patronage of the Ticnova Group of Reus. In his 12 years of life he has collected works that offer a panoramic vision of the main artists and currents of electronic and digital art with special attention to the Catalan scene, particularly active in this field.
Linked since its inception to the ARCOmadrid Contemporary Art Fair, it has created an acquisition award, the ARCO BEEP Electronic Art Award, which reaches its 13th edition this year.
The BEEP Collection, directed by Vicente Matallana - -, develops an intense activity of loans and its works have been requested by important international museums. In addition to contributing to the production of works, it develops several technological sponsorship programs, such as the ATA program for training and artistic production in advanced technologies organized in collaboration with the NewArtFoundation and Eurecat, the main technology center in Catalonia.

La Vanguardia