Marie-France Veyrat
Edition and presentation of the book at the Centre de Lectura de Reus on June 27, 2002.
A fantastic view of the Reus Bell Tower in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of Gaudí's birth. Compilation of digital recreations chosen for the projection, completed by a whole series of free creations

Luminous projections of digital art on the Bell Tower of the Reus Prioral carried out at the request of the City Council and IMAC, Municipal Institute of Cultural Action of Reus.Through these images, the artist intends to pay tribute to the brilliant architect baptized in the Prioral, showing artistic variations that reflect varied points of view of the Bell Tower and its rose window. They are photographs manipulated by computer and printed on transparencies in a completely handmade way to form a sequence of images that are projected at a considerable distance through high-power light cannons. The screenings were made at night from June 14 to June 30, 2002.
SANT PERE 2002 I Diari de Tarragona I Thursday, 27 de Juny

L'ànec americà
II Edition of the ARCO/BEEP 2007 Electronic Art Awards, one of the most relevant works in the book, drawn by computer and made with new technologies. The digital work is numbered and signed with a print run of 222 units.

Joia gaudiniana

Tòtem amb pintura líquida i reflexos

Experimentació orgànica

Dansa dels dolfins
"In addition, chromaticity, by the sensitive will of the creator, will capture the colors -which Gaudí always considered inseparable from architecture- that the contemporary artist decides, but which will turn that facade and bell tower of the Reus Prioral into a fantasy concretized in the space, because the artist's intention is not to allow the support of chromoticity to be glimpsed, but rather for it to nullify it, although it is perceived that it is underlying"...
Arnau puig
Art critic, Sociologist and Philosopher