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Works carried out on the occasion of the inauguration of the new Data Logic facilities on October 27, 2000

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Urbetrònica I, 1999, audiovisual installation, metal structure, electronic and computer parts, stainless steel, 1 monitor, PC, Software, 115x50x50cm.

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Urbetrònica II , 1999, audiovisual installation, metal structure, electronic and computer parts, stainless steel, 4 monitors, PC, Software, 480x140x140cm.

Urbetrònica is an installation in the post-technological era where machines and their transformations symbolize perfection in serial process chains, however, this work draws on the aesthetics of glitch art that emerged at the end of the 20th century. Thus, an amalgam of numerous computer boards and now obsolete parts of machines and electronic devices intentionally throw imperfect images to put in crisis the apparent excellence of the machines and computerized systems that we enjoy today. There where the error does have a place per se, it generates a new aesthetic of what is deficient or incorrect, altering from the mere image, audio or video to the most experienced software. In short, works where digital defects become unique and singular works of art.


On the other hand, once again present in Veyrat's work, we find in this piece the idea of architectural construction and recycling. The chaotic contemporary city is first glimpsed in the forms that draw buildings whose climax is glimpsed in their entirety from above. We are faced with the urban world in action, that space-time where technique and human advances rule, and that only in its fallacious failure do we come close to capturing in its wholeness and in its crude dimension.

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