Marie-France Veyrat
Marie-France Veyrat, born in Lyon, sculptress, visual artist and also collector, lives and works between Barcelona and the province of Tarragona. Interested in new languages of artistic creation, her constant interest in research and experimentation stands out. She was a professor of textile art in Reus. In the late 1990s she was involved in projects related to digital and electronic art. She is president of the jury and co-founder of the ARCO/BEEP Awards for Electronic Art since 2006. She participates in competitions, meetings, projects with creators. She has works in public institutions, national and international private collections. She has published three monographic catalogues. She is currently developing several projects both digital and plastic.
Her most outstanding solo exhibitions are FORMES ARTQUITECTÒNIQUES; El Círcol de Reus, curated by Màrius Domingo, (2024); FORME DE L'EAU, Galerie Charlot, Paris (2023); AL·LEGORIES ESTRUCTURADES, Celler Jean Leon Torrelavit, Vilafranca del Penedès (2018); MODULARTE, Alicia Rey Gallery, Madrid (2015); PICTOGRAMES, Hotel Catalonia Berna, Barcelona (2013); ARTKITECTÒNICS, Galeria Atelier, Barcelona (2013); DELS SIGNES ALS SÍMBOLS, Torre Vella, curated by Josep Maria Guinovart, Salou (2012); ARTQUITECTÒNICS, Galeria Pilar Riberaygua, Andorra La Vella (2012); EXPERIMENTACIONS CORPÒRIES, Galeria Atelier, curated by Daniel Giralt-Miracle, Barcelona (2010); ESCUMOGRAMES IV, WTC Eurostars Gran Marina Hotel, curated by Ysabel Pinyol i Joan Abelló, Barcelona (2008); ESCUMOGRAMES II, Caja Madrid, curated by Cecilia Lobel, Ciudad Real (2008); MATERIALS PER A UNA NOVA PLASTICITAT, Tinglado 4, curated by Arnau Puig, Tarragona (2008); ESCUMOGRAMES, Espai Artloft, Reus (2004); SUPERVIVÈNCIES, Caixa Penedès, "l'Aula de Cultura" Fòrum Berger-Balaguer, curated by Abel Figueres, Vilafranca del Penedès (2003); ESSÊNCIA de OCEANOS, Galería d’Art Lisboa Penta Hotel (Expo 98); ART TÈXTIL, Centre de Lectura, Reus (1986).
Within the most relevant group exhibitions, we can find HYPEROBJETOS, curated by Eloy Martínez de la Pera/Jaime de los Ríos, Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid, (2024); BLACK IV - Black is woe - curated by Àlvar Calvet, Espai Mil Nou, Reus (2024); LA FORMA DE L'AIGUA, Eufònic Festival, Antic Molí d'Oli, Ulldecona, Terres de l'Ebre (2024); VISITES INESPERADES, Galeria Atelier, curated by Montse Frisach, organized by Galeries d'Art de Catalunya, Museu de Lleida (2023-2024); JOYAS DIGITALES DE LA NEWART COLLECTION. SEGUNDA PARTE., Galería L’imaginaire, Lima, Perú (2022); ISEA2022, Recinte Modernista Sant Pau, Barcelona (2022); FACES curated by Roberta Bosco & Stefano Caldana, Es Baluard, Museu d’Art Modern I Contemporani, Palma de Mallorca (2019); SESSIÓ 09 DEL PARLEM CONTEMPORANI?, Cicle d’Arts Visuals curated by Aleix Antillach, Convent de les Arts, Alcover (2019); APROXIMACIONS CREATIVES, Col·lecció BEEP d’Art Electrònic curated by Roberta Bosco i Stefano Caldana, Museu Salvador Vilaseca, Reus (2017); URBAN ART on the occasion of Reus Capital de la Cultura Catalana 2017; PLURAL FEMENÍ, La consolidació 1951-1975, curated by Dr. Antonio Salcedo Miliani, Museu d’Art Modern de Tarragona (2016); CULTURA ÉS CULTURA, Galeria Àmbit, Barcelona (2016); LA TARDOR DE L'ART, Roca Barcelona Gallery (2011); Colors Art Gallery, Bucarest, Galeria Atelier (2010); LA TARDOR DE L’ART, A 33 R.P.M., with the photograph Toni Riera, Galeria Atelier, Barcelona (2010); URSMILE, Work in progress, Net Art, ARCOmadrid (2008); Galeria d’Art Mácula, Santa Cruz de Tenerife (2000); Salons in France (1998-1989); Galeria Display Departamento, New York (1988); Lexington Gallery, New York (1987); Galerie Art Sacré, Grenoble (1983-1982).
CADAF 2019 Contemporary & Digital Art Fair in collaboration with Jaime De Los Ríos Miami, EUA; AAF MILAN’15, Alicia Rey Gallery, Madrid; AAF BATTERSEA London, Alicia Rey Gallery, Madrid (2013); ART MADRID’11, VI Contemporary Art Fair, Galeria Atelier, Barcelona; EL OTOÑO DEL ARTE, ART MADRID’11, Galeria Atelier, Barcelona; Budapest Art Fair, Galeria Atelier, Barcelona (2010); ART MADRID V, Casa de Campo, Galeria Atelier (2010); 100 TEXTILES, II National Contemporary Tapestry Exhibition, Finart 85, Madrid.
LA FORME DE L'EAU. POÉTIQUE D'UN INSTANT, audiovisual multi-support installation 4K, in collaboration with Jaime de los Ríos (2022-2019)
MUESTRA of a selection of works exhibited in the modernist setting of Casa Burès, Barcelona (2021-2019)
INTROSPECTION, video montage in collaboration with Fede Cortés for the new monographic of the Magazine of the Centre de Lectura, “Atrapats per la covid-19”, Reus (2020)
PAREL·LES ARTÍSTIQUES - Creative experiences for mental health - travelling exhibitions around Catalunya (2020-2018)
A LA BÚSQUEDA DE VEYRAT, performance in charge of Diego Latorre & Marie-France Veyrat, Almoster (2018)
AL·LEGORIES ESTRUCTURADES, Celler Jean Leon, Torrelavit, Vilafranca del Penedès (2018)
VINART, Celler de Torroja del Priorat (2014)
VINART, Celler de Capçanes, guest artist invited to the 8th Night of les Garnatxes (2014)
CAMPANAR: T’ESTIMO, presentation of the book, Centre de Lectura, Reus (2002)
VEYRART, digital art projections, Prioral, City Council and Municipal Institute of Cultural Action, Reus (2002)
Cartell awarded in the 72nd Roses Exhibition Competition 2019, Centre de Lectura, Reus
Art Biennial 2017, 38 Premi Julio Antonio Sculpture, Museu d’Art Modern de la Diputació de Tarragona
Art Biennial 2014, 37 Premi Julio Antonio Sculpture, Museu d’Art Modern de la Diputació de Tarragona
ExPortArt- ImPortArt 2013, 1st Biennial of Contemporary Art, Tinglado 4, Port de Tarragona
Finalist in the Palafrugell Vila Casas Foundation Sculpture Award 2012, Can Mario, Girona
Finalist in the 3rd Torres García Painting Prize – Ciutat de Mataró 2009
Art Biennial 2008, XXXIV Premi Julio Antonio Sculpture, Museu d’Art Modern de la Diputació de Tarragona
1st Modest Gené Sculpture Award 2001, Fundació Privada Reddis, Reus
IX Premi de Pintura Contemporània Avantguardista Telax 2001, Galeria Antoni Pinyol, Reus
18a edició Premi de Pintura Vila de Cambrils 1999, Sala Àgora, Tarragona
Special Mention XIIIème Salon de Saint-Florent 1990, França.
Almoster Town Hall, public sculpture. Teatre Fortuny Foundation, Reus. Reus Town Hall, public sculpture, City Urban Art Heritage. Josep Santacreu Foundation, Barcelona. Sorigué Foundation, Lleida. Celler de Capçanes. Celler Torroja del Priorat. Catalonia Berna Hotel, Barcelona. Grupotel Gran Via Hotel, Barcelona. Torre Vella Art Collection, Salou. WTC Eurostars Grand Marina Hotel, Barcelona. Universitat Rovira I Virgili Art Collection, Tarragona. Museu d'Art Modern de la Diputació de Tarragona. Port de Tarragona Art Collection. Caixa Penedès Foundation, Vilafranca del Penedès. Meridiano Hotel, Hospitalet de l’Infant. HP, Madrid. BEEP Collection, Reus. Lisboa Penta Hotel, Portugal. Cambrils Town Hall. Reus, Town Hall. Galeria Display Departamento, New York. Interior Design, New York. Dexter Design, Los Ángeles. Feliu-Sedó Pottery, Esparreguera.
Private Collections in Switzerland, Germany, Principate of Andorra, Portugal, Italy, Spain and Canary Islands, EUA, Australia, Taiwan, Corea and France.