Marie-France Veyrat
UrSmile 2008
UrSmile ARCOO8 PROJECT in collaboration with BEEP @ ARCO8, Play the Magic, Epson and Intel. The project consists of capturing the smiles of the fair public, and displaying them on a public website. Two public websites will be developed, one for "collecting smiles" and the other for "database of smiles" and a private one for supervision.
Work in progress., Net Art, Madrid, exhibited at ARCOMadrid from February 13 to 18, 2008

Project - - ARCO-BEEP 2008 -
Establish the website with the address:
Assembly: photographic camera, computer equipment necessary to transfer the information to the computer and to the web.
We propose to make a montage in the Expanded Box so that in ARCO anyone can take a picture and be a member of the initial group of participants on the web.

With the collaboration of Epson and Intel
We ask for the collaboration of all people who feel concerned and have an interest in trying to avoid the 7 plagues of our world which are: hunger, war, injustice, violence, racism, loneliness and poverty. These plagues cause pain and feelings of discomfort and misunderstanding to millions of people, so we ask for a manifestation of rejection of their causes.
The collaboration consists of each person photographing their smile and posting it on the page: as a signature of their adhesion in favor of the fight against the 7 plagues. So anyone can take a picture and be a member of the founding group of participants on the web. These people of good will will be asked to apostolate so that many more participate in this project in order to form a chain that transmits joy to the whole world and especially to those most disadvantaged by these plagues.
It is a gesture in favor of life and freedom.
The smile as a simple gesture associated with joy offers us the possibility of becoming collectively aware of the importance that any type of suffering represents.
After ARCO, this project will be kept alive on the web, where a bank of smiles will soon open that, with a minimum contribution per person and the collaboration of a reliable fund, we will help those most in need.
This project is an idea of Marie-France Veyrat developed on the occasion of the participation of BEEP - Data Logic as a technological partner in ARCO8 with the collaboration of Epson and Intel.