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AAF MILAN'15, Alicia Rey gallery, Madrid, March 19-22, 2015

One of the works that participated in the Fair

Creus B1 , 2012, treated expanded polystyrene, 180x200x5.5cm.

MODULARTE, exhibition at Alicia Rey Gallery from February 3 to March 6, 2015


On the occasion of the ARCO celebration, Alicia Rey Galería organized a breakfast last Saturday, February 28 at 11:00 a.m., with the artist Marie-France Veyrat whose Modularte exhibition has lasted until March 15

5_Modularte flyer veyrat 3-02 au 15-03-1
The Only one.jpg

The only one , 2014, sculptures installation composed of 10 works, expanded polystyrene, measures from 18x21x16cm. up to 227x21x16cm.

MODULARTE , as the artist has come to title, is a set of repeated modules in which the viewer will find symmetry, balance and synergy given the exhibition structure that allows us to enter and play in this “forest” of pieces that originate from synthesis chemistry of the material that are raw material for obtaining this natural material set.

Works made with pieces of expanded polymer, previously designed and drawn by computer, cut with pressurized water machines or with a plotter-llaser, glued and sometimes coated. Geometric motifs are signs of cultural identification that represent symbols recalling present or past historical, political, social and cultural events, where the need for the artist to communicate with her daily environment arises.


Carregat i descarregat , 2012, installation, treated expanded polystyrene, painted cardboard and pallet, 160x120x100cm.

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The INTUITIVE MOVEMENT , Alicia Rey Gallery, Madrid, in collaboration with the Catalonia Atocha Hotel, curated by Manuela Roselló Béhèran, from May 27 to July 12, 2014


The Alicia Rey Gallery, in collaboration with the Catalonia Atocha hotel, is pleased to announce the group exhibition “E_l_ _m_o_v_i_m_i_e_n_t_o_ _i_n_t_u_i_t_i_v_o_” _ curated by Manuela Roselló Beherán from May 27 to July 12.

Through this collective exhibition, we seek to address the reflection of that movement, which generates creative action in a body, and the intimate relationship that it maintains with nature. Through intuitive movement, looking inward, contemplating evident; it is possible to directly and immediately generate a frank and noble work, full of meaning, and without any pretensions, than approaching the truth that it offers us, the freedom of intuition. By approaching the work in a sincere way, it is the viewer who continues this movement, and through his sensitive perception he obtains an intuitive knowledge of this reality that is now presented to him.

Marie-France Veyrat, brings us a volumetric piece from her "Escumogrames" series, uses polyestyrene and ennobles this material, it is through this choice that her search for matter is present beyond matter, the spiritual is appreciated in the purity and fragility of the work. Its geometric and totemic shape, and its brief chromatic palette where white predominates, is the means that she chooses to reach a complete symmetry and balance, that harmony of nature.

AAF BATTERSEA LONDON , Alicia Rey Gallery, October 23-27, 2013  

One of the works that participated in the Fair

Architecture de glace 1, 2006, treated expanded polystyrene, 42x44x25cm.

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